Life Starts Today!

Affirmations For Being in Your Power

Letting go of The Past

I refuse to fly just under the radar or be  a sleeping giant
I refuse to be invisible or blend in in order to feel accepted
I refuse to seek relationships in which there is an inability to commit
I refuse to give away my power or be co-dependent to keep the status quos or minimize conflict
How I Now Choose to Show Up

I choose to be in relationship with myself/partner that is in balance of both male and female energies
I choose to be in divine union with myself/partner, to be whole!
I choose to be in an open and honest intimate relationship with myself/partner
I choose to stay awake and conscious of all that is around me and not fear any of it
I choose to surrender to the divine and have patience being in the flow
I choose to have close connection verses distance and separation
I choose emotional and physical health over dis-ease
I choose unconditional love and commitment over fear and control
I choose to stand out in a crowd and be proud of my strengths
I choose to not react to perceived control in anger or apathy in order to feel safe!
I choose to have "sacred energy exchanges" (sex) that is spiritual and healthy
I choose to be in relationship that is based  on an equal playing field
Must Haves In Partnership

I will attract  a partner that is  accountable for their actions  and takes responsibility
I will attract  a partner that  believes they are divine and truly loves themselves
I will attract  a partner  that is kind and gentle and lives from their heart
I will attract  a partner that honors and respects themselves then extends this out to others
I will attract  a partner that is  emotionally and mentally mature
I will attract  a partner that is committed to the process of ongoing clear communication
I will be all that I wish to seek in my partner
In My Power      

I will show up in my power with compassion and confidence      
I will be of service to others and be in my heart loving unconditionally 
I will trust all my needs will be meet as I surrender into the divine         
I will be the person I want to be verses anything imposeed upon me        
I will attract relationships that complements my dreams , wishes and desires 
I will not assume conflict if I speak my truth, my dreams, wishes and  desires 
Releasing the Past
         I banish co-dependence NOW! 

            Say to myself what I would have liked others to have said, filling up my emotional bank account
            Blow their energy into a stick or stone
            Say to my guides, I am releasing the past 
            Anyone that I  have allowed to take my power away and keep me small…
                                                   I release all of this NOW!!!                                                                                               
            I am NOW FREE to show up, create, dream and intend anything that I desire.         
                        Blessings blessings blessings
                        I thank all of my guides for their help
                        I thank all of the players in my life for their role on my path
                        for everyone has helped me get to this place where I am now
            Don’t take anything personally!
            Love me and know I am divine!   Say this every day!
            Have gratitude for being alive and all the joys that life brings!
           Celebrate the love and joy you see all around you.  You will then attract more!                                                                      

                                                                 So Much Love
                                                                 Fire Heart Bear

            Freely share this with your heart to others  (C)  Copyright The  1  Center  2015

Tools Toward Interdependence

Be the Love!!!

All the things  that I see in others (good or bad) is a reflection of me
I tend to focus on the bad, because its shows up as pain.
So when I refuse to take  responsibility for what I project out to others,
I give my power away to the very people I am blaming
If I am totally honest with myself, I do these very same things.

So why not focus on the good in others and stop blaming?
How can I stop this circus?

I need to forgive myself by loving ME unconditionally.
I am the one that is holding myself from joy when I focus on the negative.
Its the illusion of distance which the ego tells me separation is a safe place.
If I can let go and surrender knowing everything is in divine order,
Knowing there are no guarantees of external love, security and safety,
I will thrive because I will fill my cup from within and stop projecting.
I will then be an attractor of love as I will be a beam of white light!

I am whole and I stand in my power, because I am now free from fear of loss.
I am love, I am the change I wish to see in the world!

                                                                         Aho !!
                                                                        So Much Love
                                                                        Fire Heart Bear

          Freely share this with your heart to others  (C)  Copyright The  1  Center  2015

Relationship Tools

Affirmations to the Self...

Lets get real, lets get into our hearts, lets be what we came here to be!                                                             More Affirmations

Discovering Your True Center

Uncovering, Appreciating, and Fully Understanding Your Core Self

In this e-guide, John Perkins, best-selling author and co-founder of Pachamama Alliance, discusses how we can reach new levels of potency and effectiveness when we discover our true center. Your true self has always been here, waiting for you to reveal it!
