Affirmations to Self

I am a Lover

I am a lover….
I am a lover….
I love to share my ability
To love deeply with my partner.

I enjoy the joy and the bliss
that shows up as we connect.
I connect with passion and a
Feeling the connection.

It’s the energy flowing
between us both, its the spark!
And of this connection…
It spreads into the relationship.

Passion, Intimacy and Commitment.
Not necessarily in the traditional sense
Its where two can go deep
While being in the moment.

The commitment to go there
While being in the present
Not thinking of the past or of the future.
I am a lover…. I am a lover…

                                                             So Much Love
                                                           Fire Heart Bear

   Freely share this with your heart to others  (C)  Copyright The  1  Center  2015

The Time is Now

The Time is Now

It's time to wake up dear ones.
Ignore your distractions ...
Set aside your addictions....
And your material attachments....

If you haven't noticed,
You're already surrounded by your family, your tribe.
You may also have little tolerance of others not in sync with your path.
This has been happening for some time now...

This is right where your  supposed to be
Look how far you/we have come! 
The changes, the shifts, the growth!
We are re-membering!

Trust your inner God like you never have before!
Release the limitations and the structures of the past.
Surrender and choose to be not in fear this next year!
Get back into a practice whatever it may be.

Relearn to get quiet and at peace quickly,
Be in that sacred space of your heart!
Most importantly share what you're doing with others
As our new way is about the whole and of many.

We all know how to do this...
Let's ride this ride as if we're riding the best roller coaster ever!
We know how to be in peace in the middle of a storm.
Isn't it one of the easiest things we know how to do?  yea right?

Its not so important how or what you do,
Rather its that you do it!
Do it with ease and really enjoy it!
Make it fun, make it fun, make it fun!

Be in gratitude allowing abundant grace to flourish on this earth.
Bring joy and love into your heart
Do it even when it seems its the last thing you want to do.
Practice, practice, practice...

Most importantly when ever you feel angry frustrated or edgy
Go inside, literally go inside away from the crowds
And be the love in which you seek.
Stay there, stay there, stay there....

This is what we came to do ..
We will do it, and we will succeed!
This time smiling and full of joy!
And in love, in love, in love....

And so it is!

                                                             So Much Love
                                                           Fire Heart Bear

   Freely share this with your heart to others  (C)  Copyright The  1  Center  2015

As I Sit...

As I Sit…
As I sit here doing No Thing…
I pretend that all business is as usual
Ignoring what is happening out there
I choose to close my eyes…. I'm just a mere drop!

I know in my heart of hearts,
That this world  which I call civilized
Has been built on the blood, sweat and tears…
Of others just like you and me!
I look into my cell phone in awwwww!
How technically advanced we have  become.
This is amazing, I can talk to anybody anywhere!
I really do live in lap of luxury!
I can fly anywhere in less than 14 hrs…
I can bath in hot water just by turning a dial
I can eat anything from anywhere on the planet
My toilet is footsteps from my bed!
The  kings and queens of old did not have it this good!
They abused their power, how arrogant and barbaric!
How could these people live with themselves?
How could they knowingly do what they did?
Oh really?  Am I really that much different?
At who’s expense is this all possible
Has the basic formula changed  from 300  years ago?
Are we not  ALL the kings and queens of our time?
Ouch, discomfort!   Hello discomfort...
No wonder this makes no sense to me...
As I refuse to take responsibility for my part,
I continue the madness, the blame, my victomeness!
I can no longer pretend to be separate!
Turn my head when a village is bombed!
Pretend that those people are less than me!
Hide behind the illusion that I deserve!


                                                             So Much Love
                                                           Fire Heart Bear

   Freely share this with your heart to others  (C)  Copyright The  1  Center  2015


A man connected to his feminine side
Has the ability to hold space vs take up space

A woman on the other hand who is in touch,
Has the ability to show up present vs manipulative and coercive

A woman that hides her feminine side
Can be harsh and judgmental vs compassionate and nurturing

As with a man that hides his maleness
He can show up unsure and fragile vs grounded and secure

Isn’t it the balance that we seek in our journey
Through life allowing us to see others in ourselves

                                                             So Much Love
                                                           Fire Heart Bear

   Freely share this with your heart to others  (C)  Copyright The  1  Center  2015

I am in Love with Me!

    Love of self ~ mirror work, address any
          addictions,  I love you on phone mp3
     Communication to self ~ clarity, non
          attachment to outcome          
     Intimate with self ~ be intimate w/me  then
           with partners can be intimate as well
     Believing in self,~  I am worth it, I am
           special, I fill my cup overflowing w/love
           sharing it with all others who wish to receive
    Trust  self ~ hear and believe myself, stop
           self judgment, I am whole, complete
    Commit to self ~ make clear my boundaries
            and honor my commitments
     Celebrate divinity ~ know all is divine,
             stop judgment, anchor God energy
     Invest only in healthy relationships that have
             love  at their core vs fear, must haves...
             passion, intimacy, and commitment
                            So Much Love
                            Fire Heart Bear
Freely share this with your heart to others  (C)  Copyright The  1  Center  2015                                  

The Artist Way....

The Artist Way....

I see the...
Arrogance, Justification, Intellectualizing,
Listening in order to Debate, Authority,
Loudness, Belittling, Self Righteousness!

All stemming from I suppose
A feeling of having been kept small.
A compensatory behavior yes?
Thus a way to be seen!

Ultimately in the long run, creating separation.
First with with self as one never gets to sees oneself
For as when we find fault with others (judgement and blame)
We create a shield from our self, a web of distraction!

Yes, they keep coming....
As long as they are getting feed
Ha! But they stop when they
Wake up, and see the imbalance.

They say I'm not being heard or
Become quiet when they feel small.
They lash out when they feel attacked!
They eventually leave....

How do I know these things?
Because I have done the same.
I've felt alone due to my compensatory behaviors
Come and see and listen to my great works of art!

I need knowledge and wisdom
I need all the answers
I need the followers
I need to be right!

Fuck it all right now damn it!
Change this madness!
I am learning to lead with compassion
I am now allowing others to bathe in the light!

I am listening with my heart
I am letting in their wisdom
I am choosing to not be on top
I am choosing to share this vast stage, called life!

I am integrating
Like a drop of water in an ocean
My contribution only counts...
If there are other drops!

                                                             So Much Love
                                                           Fire Heart Bear

   Freely share this with your heart to others  (C)  Copyright The  1  Center  2015

Fifty Shades of "F"d Up!

Fifty Shades of "F"d up!

If I were to tell you...
The truth is that we are ALL "F"d up!
We all have been karmicly damaged!
So you ask, "so are we hopeless?"

I say that's just more stinkin thinkin!
I may not be all of this and that,
But know this,
My work here has just only begun.

I came here specifically
To help break this karmic
Ground hog day!
I came for you!  I came for me!

Were warrior's here
to affect change
Not just for us
but the planet as a whole!

You think its  easy being me?
Take the wheel for a day and
Walk in my shoes..
All it is is another perspective...

Lasting healing is only
Done at the core level.
It's wy we fear it so and why it 
Seems every one is "F"d up

So don't tell me about
Your all your crazy shit....
Unless your willing
To here about mine!

If your not ready to trully listen,
Your not ready to drive
Let me help you with that balance,
Yes its necessary, trust me!

Don't worry, I'm right here if you need me!
This is what its about
Brother and sister
Us treating each other with love.

So much love...
Fire Heart Bear

You Are My Mirror...

I Choose to Honor You, As You Are a Blessing Reflecting Me Back to Me...

All the things (good and bad) that I see in others is a reflection of me....

What I tend to focus on is the bad, because its shows up as the pain which I feel.
So when I refuse to take the responsibility for what I project out to others,
I give my power away to the very people I am blaming (opps, my bad).
If I am totally honest with myself, I do the same things which I see in others...
    (the never ending cycle of victim, entitlement, neediness and righteousness).

So why not focus on the good in others and stop blaming?
How can I stop this circus? What am I afraid of?
To be honest I am afraid of really seeing me, I’m "f"n scared!
I feel pain and do not want to believe I am responsible for it, so I blame.

I need to forgive myself by loving me unconditionally, I did nothing wrong!
I am the one that is holding myself from joy when I focus on the negative.
I am the one that looses when I project my issues and blame to others.
Its an illusion  that we are safe when we are separate, isolated or create distance.

If I can just let go and surrender knowing everything is in divine order,
I will thrive because then I will be able to fill my cup from within and stop projecting.
I will then be an attractor of love as I will be a beam of white light!
Only then will I be whole, not a hole with emptiness grasping for love.

I choose to be whole and I stand in my power!
I am now free from fear and loss!
I choose faith in the divine!
I choose love!
                                                             So Much Love
                                                            Fire Heart Bear

   Freely share this with your heart to others  (C)  Copyright The  1  Center  2015

Holding on Tight

We hold on when we were in fear
We hold on when the time is near
Fear of being alone,
Fear of the unknown

If we only knew the damage
That tightly clinging does...
The marks that it leaves
Just maybe we would see....

That the darkness (unknown) is not to be feared!
For it is the the womb!
It is where we came
and so will we return!

All lights and even stars burn out....
Surrender and be in your heart
As this is the beginning
Of the journey back to freedom, to bliss

Know this! that this is an illusion!
The story we have created only
To help us feel safe while here!
It is our box, some quite large and ridged, some not so much...

So why not decorate this box
With love, joy, happiness and bliss
Allowing the box to dissolve by
Letting go.... by Being the Flow.....

                                                             So Much Love

                                                           Fire Heart Bear

   Freely share this with your heart to others  (C)  Copyright The  1  Center  2015

We are now flying!

We are now flying at warp speed in our journey!
The time is near where we will
Not be able to take on passengers!
So fix your engine (heal your heart) so you can fly ....

Honor your soul contracts and fly together... or not...
I know he loves me, but he can not fill my cup!
In my heart, I know only I can do that...
By loving me, trusting me, honoring me!

Its in the pain where there is healing.
We run from it most likely from shame.
Remembering you telling me....
Feel it fully, be alone, start loving you!

"F" n scary, facing my abandonment issues.
I know now, it was feeling deeply the pain that got me here!
So now its my turn to say...
Feel your pain fully, learn to love YOU, stop running.

I am honored to be of service to you,
But the clock it ticking, its time to fly!
Heal your heart and fill your cup...
So you can be a full service cup to others.

There's still time....
Any self talk of separation, security, fear bla bla bla….
It only reinforces an old out of date false concepts.
Its time to put on your big girl panties....

And Fly.....

                                                             So Much Love
                                                           Fire Heart Bear

   Freely share this with your heart to others  (C)  Copyright The  1  Center  2015

The NOW....

As the waves lap on the shore
And the Sun slowly sets,
It’s a reminder of the constant change
That time is real in this reality.

It’s in the quiet where deep emotions are
It’s the lack of distraction
The void of busyness
That allows feelings to be.

The awareness that time is linear
That it is impossible to go back
It’s the forward motion of time that teaches
Being in the now is what makes the past.

All those I wills are gone
As the opportunities are now history.
No regrets, no remorse,
Just a reminder of how important the now is.

Feel these emotions and allow them to be,
For it’s this richness that makes us human
If I can just allow, I can honor my sadness
As in that is my honoring that I am alive…

                                                             So Much Love
                                                           Fire Heart Bear

   Freely share this with your heart to others  (C)  Copyright The  1  Center  2015

S p a c e

what I am finding is that I need space,
as in the spaces are my growth,
it makes me stretch, it makes me not lean....
it is this that pushes me out of the nest of comfort and complacence.

scary at first as the wings have not worked in a while,
but the air drys them during free fall and whoosh,
an updraft carries me up higher than I could have ever imagined,
so high, I can see for miles, and I can see clearly ...

with an ability to pick the path or place to go next.
it is this freedom that is the growth,
it is the joy of knowing I still have wings...
to soar!

                                                             So Much Love
                                                           Fire Heart Bear

   Freely share this with your heart to others  (C)  Copyright The  1  Center  2015

Sitting in a Chair

I spent the night there sleeping in a chair
Just and holding your hand and being….
I spoke to you and told you it was okay to go
Your reply was “yes… and its time!”

You know that your in the drivers seat on this one!
It’s your decision, and we will totally support you
Your reply  “I’m driving all over the road!”
Laughing… Nice to see you still have your sense of humor!

She is really tired she doesn't want to do this anymore
Its not life, its not living anymore, its exhausting!
I know now your ready to return…
Return to that from which we all came.

This journey is a vacation or
Hell if that’s what we choose!
We are all at choice to make this easy or difficult!
It’s our journey to which we have already designed!

So what will it be?
A struggle or a joy?
Are you a runner or driver?
Its totally up to you isn’t it….

                                                             So Much Love
                                                           Fire Heart Bear

   Freely share this with your heart to others  (C)  Copyright The  1  Center  2015

I'm wondering....

I am wondering....
How can we give ourselves permission in a workshop
To be free with our love
To be able to be received by many?

I'm wondering when we leave,
Why its so difficult to do the same In the world at large
So many rules and judgements, they just would not understand.
Maybe its me that doesn't...

What is this thing called love
That drives us to want to posses it,
And when we grab it, its not there
Its like sand that falls through our fingers

I love you in this moment,
And this very moment makes up our past
So please, please receive me now...
So I can fill you up and our past!

Fire Heart Bear

What Have We Done?

What have we done?.

Have we collectively have given up our responsibility
To the doctors, their hospitals, their insurance companies?
Have we chosen to NOT make the tough decisions
That requires us to feel pain at the same time to be alive?
Invested in the system we feel we deserve to be taken care of!
So we give our power away to mega corporate interest
Insurance companies, doctors, and hospitals…. Married to the
Seed companies, mega food conglomerates and chain restaurants….

MSG is hidden in the food and scientifically proven to make us hungry.
It has over six different legal names making it difficult to spot
Why? To keep you and I eating and buying, and eventually,,,,
Making you sick, so sick you will pay anything to get better.
When we start to learn
Why and how cancer lives in the human body,
Our diets will drastically change (if we choose to)
Our health will improve so much hospitals will be empty

Grow your own food and alkalize your body
Get rid of your highly acidic body which cancer feeds…
Create an environment where cancer can not live,
Feed your engine with the best high octane foods you can!

Say be gone with this 21st century bull shit life style
It’s a lye that has made a society to be very lazy and beholden to
The mega corporations that feed us!
A cart blanc ticket to slowly kill us and bleed us dry to the end.

Because its all driven by a profit incentive
All decisions and policies are misguided and suspect.
All based on a short term repeated high yield for the corporation
VS a long term, low cost solution which nature provides!

And so the doctors are pawns in this system
Only doing what they are told (by insurance policy)
No more no less than the server or cooks in the chain restaurants...
Feeding you the slow poison all the while smiling believing their doing good.

Why? because they have to live as well
Feed their family's.
They as you and I are stuck!
Stuck in a system that does not give a damn about any of us

So what to do?
Stop buying this crap!
Grow it yourself!
Grow it tall and naturally!

Yes they will tell you that you can not use water from the sky to
They will tell you that its illegal to grow anything but their seed.
They will tell you that growing your own food may be toxic!
They will tell you that the only good food is their food!

Love it,
Protect it,
Grow it,
Or Loose it!

                                                             So Much Love
                                                           Fire Heart Bear

   Freely share this with your heart to others  (C)  Copyright The  1  Center  2015