
Pole Shift – Magnetic Poles First (Happening Now)

This article is short because the data speaks for itself. The North Magnetic Pole is moving an an accelerating rate towards Siberia, just as Professor Charles Hapgood predicted in Earth’s Shifting Crust sixty years ago, when he said the last ROTATIONAL North Pole was just west of Hudson Bay, around 60 degrees north latitude on our current maps – and that we experienced a civilization-ending pole shift of about 30 degrees approximately 12,500 years ago. He said the NEXT North Pole will probably be NW of Lake Baikal in Siberia, in the not too distant future, if the cycles of approximately 12,500 years stay on track.

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Little Grandmother Speaks

The Nebra Sky Disc: (Astronomical Artefact)

This artefact was for a long time considered a fake. It is now accepted as a genuine artefact describing the night sky. It is a bronze disc about 32 centimetres in diameter with a diagram of the heavens embossed onto it in gold. It shows representations of the sun, moon, Pleiades and three other crescents, two presumed to be horizon lines and the other a possible 'Solar Barge' at the bottom.

The disc was found on top of a mountain (The Mittelberg) in Germany, along with a horde of other 'Bronze-age' relics, from which it is dated at c. 1,600 BC. The disc was made by a race of people that lived in Europe before the arrival of the Celts, and is said to be one of the oldest chart of the heavens in the world.

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Moldau on Glass Harp!

The piece contains Smetana's most famous tune. It is an adaptation of the melody La Mantovana, attributed to the Italian renaissance tenor Giuseppe Cenci (also known as Giuseppino), which, in a borrowed Moldovan form, was also the basis for the Israeli national anthem, Hatikvah. The tune also appears in major in an old Czech folk song Kočka leze dírou ("The Cat Crawls Through the Hole") and Hans Eisler used it for his "Song of the Moldau"


Net Zero

The Bullitt Center in Seattle, Washington, is one of the most self-sufficient buildings on the planet.  It is net zero energy and, after the water reuse system is approved by city authorities, net zero water.  Net zero means that the building uses the same amount as it creates or generates – it is self-sufficient. 

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The Myth of 8 Hour Sleep

We often worry about lying awake in the middle of the night - but it could be good for you. A growing body of evidence from both science and history suggests that the eight-hour sleep may be unnatural.

In the early 1990s, psychiatrist Thomas Wehr conducted an experiment in which a group of people were plunged into darkness for 14 hours every day for a month.

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Archaeologists Find Underground Pyramid at Tiahuanaco

The ancient fortress site of Tiahuanaco (Tiwanaku) in western Bolivia is still revealing secrets thousands of years after its peak as capital of an empire, and home to one of the most important civilizations prior to the Inca. Archaeologists from the Tiahuanaco Archeological Research Center have discovered an underground pyramid at the site using ground-penetrating radar.

According to Fox News Latino, the Bolivian government has announced excavations are set to begin this summer on the new find at the Kantatallita area of Tiahuanaco, 71 kilometers (44 miles) west of La Paz.

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50,000 Year Old Skull Found in Israel

A 55,000-year-old skull found at Manot Cave in northern Israel is shedding light on the origins and migrations of ancient humanity. The skull, suggested to be evidence of a pairing between Neanderthals and modern humans, would be the earliest evidence of modern man meeting and mating with Neanderthals found to date.

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The Sacred Science 

Looking for a new prescription for serious illness? Take eight intrepid patients, add a team of indigenous medicine men and shamans, and mix for 30 days in the Peruvian Amazon. Suffering from conditions ranging from Parkinson's to prostate cancer to diabetes, these patients are motivated by a commitment to heal naturally and sheer desperation to end their suffering. Immersed in nature, silence and solitude, shamanic medicine ceremonies open them to the emotional and psychological issues underlying their dis-ease. The experienced shamans mindfully harvest and prepare specific remedies for their patients, with treatments that include healing songs and spiritual counsel. Entering the heart of healing in the heart of the Amazon, we find that saving the rainforest really does mean saving ourselves.

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Ancient artifacts and human remains surface...

This phenomenon is not limited to Norway. All over the world as glaciers melt and recede, archaeologists and hikers are finding artifacts and remains of humans and animals from hundreds or thousands of years ago. 


Study: Recent sea level rise is highest in 6,000 years

Sea level has risen nearly 8 inches worldwide since 1880, but it doesn't rise at the same level. In the past century or so, it has climbed about a foot or more in some U.S. cities such as Charleston, Norfolk and Galveston because of the added influence of ocean currents and land subsidence.

Global sea level will rise 1 to 3 feet around the world by the end of this century, according to this year's Fifth Assessment Report by the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.  From USA Today Oct 8 2014

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The Sharing Economy - By the People, For the People

"If you want to change something, don't attack the existing reality. Instead, build a new model that makes the old one irrelevant." Quoting Buckminster Fuller, David Van Seters believes the sharing economy will help make the current dysfunctional economy obsolete. Sharing is age-old, he says. Now combined with internet social media, it is becoming an unstoppable phenomenon. He cites examples of sharing rooms and homes, empty space in cargo trucks, tools, land, and even "waste" materials. Many people start a sharing enterprise to save money or get supplemental income for under-utilized assets. "But what causes them to continue is the surprising amount of benefit from community connections." Episode 281. []

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The One Center

Kent Ohio's Enlightenment Center: Where workshops, classes and dialogue happen at the heart level. Please join us for a Workshop or a Drum Jam or just come by and see us sometime.

Dance Your Soul in NE Ohio

We dance, move, play, laugh, meditate, make connections, listen, learn, share.

There will be a mix of music that lasts around an hour and fifteen minutes. We usually open with introductions and move right into the music. There is also time for sharing at the end. These gatherings are powerful and deep for many who attend. For those who like to dance from within and express spirituality through dance, this is the place to be supported in that intention.

DYS Meetup