
The Big Picture

Lets not get caught up on details, there is a bigger picture to this whole thing.

I think i'll let this video speak for itself.

I would like to thank Yann Arthus-Bertrand for the creation of the movie "Home" from which the scenes in the first half of this video were created. A large part of the script from the first half was derived from this movie, and they deserve a lot of credit for putting together a powerfully honest movie about the state of the world.

Team Spirit is working hard to help facilitate the space for everyone from oil executives to high school teachers to begin directing our efforts at cleaning up this mess, and fixing the problems that we've made.

We believe that by doing so, we can create the most magnificent place to live. That is what we want :) 

Spirite Science

I Just Didn't Know...

Mr. Barrie Trower, a British physicist who was a microwave weapons expert and who worked for the Royal Navy and the British Secret Service, talks about the health effects of WiFi and other forms of microwave radiation.

Mr. Trower came out of retirement because he was concerned that the microwave frequencies and intensities to which children are exposed in schools are similar to those used for microwave weapons.

Ancient Hidden Technology Use of Sound

I am not a religious man, however, I am spiritual at least sometimes, and nope thats no joke. I do not subscribe to the dooms day people, the religious wars, or if you choose this way then this is what you will get for it [insert smite here] Now I do however choose to follow the Good Words of Jesus Christ when I do want to be spiritual and over time I have found many many discrepancies in the Modern Christian Religion. Anyone who thinks that a Loving GOD would do a blood sacrifice of his ONLY Begotten Son well I have news for you, that is Murder and a BLOOD SACRIFICE! Thou Shall Not Kill. Second to follow those words of Christ, means that you need to listen to what they mean and yep perception is everything, which is HOW religion has twisted the minds of many many billions of people to either HATE it or to follow it FALSELY....

Preston Kibbey

The Ancient Wisdom Foundation

This artiact was for a long time considered a fake. It is now accepted as a genuine artifact describing the night sky. It is a bronze disc about 32 centimetres in diameter with a diagram of the heavens embossed onto it in gold. It shows representations of the sun, moon, Pleiades and three other crescents, two presumed to be horizon lines and the other a possible 'Solar Barge' at the bottom.

The disc was found on top of a mountain (The Mittelberg) in Germany, along with a horde of other 'Bronze-age' relics, from which it is dated at c. 1,600 BC. The disc was made by a race of people that lived in Europe before the arrival of the Celts, and is said to be one of the oldest chart of the heavens in the world.

Ancient Wisdom

The One Center

Kent Ohio's Enlightenment Center: Where workshops, classes and dialogue happen at the heart level.  Please join us for a Workshop or a Drum Jam or just come by and see us sometime.  


Dance Your Soul in NE Ohio

We dance, move, play, laugh, meditate, make connections, listen, learn, share.

There will be a mix of music that lasts around an hour and fifteen minutes. We usually open with introductions and move right into the music. There is also time for sharing at the end. These gatherings are powerful and deep for many who attend. For those who like to dance from within and express spirituality through dance, this is the place to be supported in that intention.

DYS Meetup