Kototama Chant
Kotama Chanting, pure sound vibration, rewriting your brain through vibration.
The Fifty Sounds
Healing with Sound: Secret Sounds - Ancient Sounds
Learn secrets of how sound was mysteriously used for powerful benefits and psychic development in ancient Egypt, China and with the Tibetan monks! Discover how to use sound/music for enlightenment, improving conscious and practical uses.
Learn Musical Secrets from deep in the pyramids, Hermetic magic, Pythagoras and the ancient Greeks and Ascended Master techniques for balancing your chakras. Find out how sound healing works... how you can use it for healing and spiritual growth or in a therapeutic healing practice. Sound converted to numbers creates "Sacred Geometry" in Music! Listen to Phi, Fibonacci, Solfeggio tones and more!
On Music and Sound
The quality of music and rhythm should be developed from infancy. El Morya, Agni Yoga
How Music Affects the Mind, Health, Plants and Animals
From Reverse Spins:
Music Good, The Bad.....
By William House
Editor, Reverse Spins
It may be the greatest secret on the spiritual path. Most of today's music is a hindrance not a help. This has been written about from ancient Greece and even more so today but has fallen on deaf ears. Why? Because this very same music makes us feel good, relieves our stress and tensions, releases anger and we're happier listening to it, so it can't be bad.