How to be In Our Hearts

Relationship as a Mirror Back to Self

Everything and everybody are reflections of our own stuff
Rewriting our scripts, our beliefs our perspectives of others allows us to create a new story.  Once we do this, we can then be free from triggers and limitation, part of the awakening!  The key to having more joy and less pain right?  When we have awareness we can do this, transmuting thoughts/conflicts/patterns in minutes and move forward, verses years and years of therapy.

So, the tools to get here is to have a high heart coherence and being awake.  Being in our hearts will allow one to shift, releasing old patterns.  These shifts occur all the time, at different degrees of effectiveness (depending on how awake we are and how much were in our heart) right?   When we are in high heart and have awareness coupled with compassion we can be a positive reflection back to our partner helping bring awareness.  When we are in a place of caring for our partner in a healthy way, our partner is able to process in seconds vs days.  With practice, we can then do this with anyone, be highly effective healers.  Learning how to do this however requires a partner that is willing and able hold space.  Being in our hearts verses our heads appears to be the key.  Like awakened masters, they just sit there and listen and hold space, smiling, not sharing his judgments or opinions.  He was in a high coherent heart space.

emWave by the Heart Math Institute.
Greg Braden’s Video on high heart coherence
What ever brings you into your heart…
      Playing with a puppy, walk in nature, what brings you
     overwhelming tears of joy, do it.  This is high heart
    coherence as its telling you by your tears your in heartflt
Active Listening, be a person that is capable to hold back
     judgment and who is a safe participant.  Listening with
      calm-passion, seeing yourself reflected through your
     partner as the wounded five year old as you listen, calling
     forth love.
Creating a safe environment for the person speaking their
    truth ~  Listening holding back judgment, be an open
   vessel of love.

So much love,
